
What do you mean, I’m doing it wrong? :3

The No Wishing challenge on Asia has officially flipped Puppers into phys mode. He sorta “borrowed” Amber’s phys kit and umm… well, Amber… I guess it’s time we finally suck it up and roll you a Wanderer’s Troupe set. ………don’t wanna. You can sit in Gorou’s half-rolled Husk until I have the resources to level more artifacts from scratch.

So yesh, Puppers is a happy pew-pew and specter farming will be a little bit faster at least. Amber really is underwhelming in phys, but I’m glad I refined that set as hard as I did because it’s working much better on Gorou. Could use more crit rate, but for now it’s doing the job decently.


With Father not needing Homa anymore, DPS Thoma snagged it… and toasted his crit ratio because he was previously running PJWS and already had substat issues even with that. Welp, a flower in the locked-artis stash rolled entirely into “we can fix this” and he is a happy pyro house-husbando now. Gonna see if I can strongbox him a better hat once Arlecchino’s artifacts are sorted. For once, they don’t have fodder to burn like candy, even with the large amount of trash the Whimsical domain is chucking out.


Welcome home, Puppers! The No Wishing challenge on Asia server has its 15th character, and finally finished the handbook Embattle challenges because Gorou is their first geo character besides Traveler. Does the General do anything for my team comps? Not really. Do I care? Nope! :D

What’s hurting him currently is a severe lack of talent levels due to specters being a “when I absolutely need it” farm with these guys, as it’s not easy-cheese for them like my other accounts. He’s got a few more boss drops to go as well before he can ding 90, and his husk set isn’t maxed out (and has questionable substats) because I literally started putting it together a few days ago, but he’s now in my everyday comp to mooch xp and be something different.


Well… I didn’t expect that in two 10-pulls, but I was getting real frustrated with Father’s crit ratio issues using Homa and terrible RNG in Whimsical domain. I gave up and was like, let’s do this. Boy, did she want this thing bad! 61/166 crit ratio now, with the staff being stuck at level 40 cuz I have to go farm the new statues and have almost no relevant exploration done. Time to get out the interactive map and see if I can yoink a few pieces from old content (edit: boo, it’s all new mobs)… already destroyed the green/blue ones in the dust store.

Big ol’ plate of cookies to the RNG gods today. <3


This thing. Umm. Art project? Sure. Riddick is post-endgame so Bunker Hill has been acquired and built up. The inside of the original main building is just crafting stations and some chairs, since the real show is outdoors. The elevated hallway/platform/whatever-of-doom is a test run for something I want to do on a smaller scale at Jamaica Plain, but building Overboss HQ is gonna wait until I get some progress on the Nuka World parks.


Riddick ducked into Far Harbor again, for slightly longer than last time when he snagged Longfellow and hauled ass back to the Commonwealth. This time involved creeping across the landscape in the cash shop space suit doing just enough of the Children Of Atom content to grab Atom’s Judgement and bail again. I usually do Far Harbor with all four levels of the radiation resistance perk, so that toodling around in actual combat gear is doable. After one more point in blacksmithing, Goggles is gonna prioritize the rad-resist perk which is currently sitting at zero.

We’ve renamed our shiny new big stick “Diplomacy”… and it’s time to go to Nuka World. At level 90. Who me, put off fighting Colter on survival difficulty with a blitz melee build? Yups.


The Star Rail f2p challenge gang’s crit Aventurine got a workout today in Simulated Universe, using Elation resonance as per usual. Pics are from the run where they were missing the better gold aftertaste card but still happily whomp-whomped everything in sight. They got better cards on the second run and Gambler-kun managed a 153k follow-up during Cocolia. How you like dem chips, madam? :D

White stat chart is his in-battle stats with his shield on, during a regular (non-SU) battle with nobody else in the party. His crit rate should be higher, mostly because his defense should be higher… but it’s hard to raise defense without his 5-star light cone, especially when relics and ornaments want to roll everything but defense for once in their lives. The main account Aventurine has rolled a decent amount of defense in subs, so he got lucky there (plus spoiled baby has his light cone).

Gonna be running SU a lot this week to try and upgrade this guy’s rope, cuz that thing is trash.