
Riddick’s survival difficulty Fallout 4 playthrough, endgame spoilery location of spoileriness… with the Minutemen in tow. This BOS dude just chillin’ outside the final room like… what is this even? I don’t think he left, either… RIP dude, you’re one with Atom now.

Toodling around the airport afterwards be like…
Quinlan: Nice work using the Minutemen as cannon fodder lmao.
Teagan: Have some booze and a story and congrats or whatever.
Maxson: You have a ghoul in your party, asshat. >:(

“Asia server is a bunch of friendly pros! Come play on Asia server!”

Asia server:


The host was clearly underpowered and needed help, the two hotshots died immediately from ignoring the big guy’s mechanics, and the no-wishing-challenge full-support Bennett ended up tanking with half a braincell from heatsickness and the endless chronic migraine. I honestly wasn’t sure going in, considering the Kazuha committed the cardinal sin of changing to an already-present level 90 character (Bennett) right off the bat during domain character select. Tsk tsk.

We won. Eventually. Further runs went much better, thankfully.

To be fair, this was yesterday’s banger incineration comp:


I can’t even with this game, some days.

The icing on the cake? They’re all friendly.

Something about Riddick sneak-attacking a certain VIP and then carefully sniping everyone else without getting aggro which is actually possible, but I’m not sure how badly that may have f’d up the game. This is Fallout 4 survival difficulty, and just before choosing who to build the Super Spoilery Device with, I made a “safe save” backup. Definitely reverting to that and gonna do this part with the BOS instead of the Minutemen partly because I forgot not siding with the BOS for this section locks Danse’s perk out completely. I’m also not gonna repeat this bug.

Oh, and this was the back way to the elevator, which I literally could not force my way through because they were so jammed:


Me, on main account in Simulated Universe this morning: “Ooh, cheesie-curio! We do like eidolons… what even is Aventurine’s E1… …….. ………….. …we’re pulling your E1.”

Main account didn’t have a problem snagging said E1 (pull result pic with Lynx above), winning the 50/50 even though it arrived very late. But the F2P challenge gang? Ho boy, they had maybe one guaranteed 5-star in jades and *no* guarantee on Aventurine since they literally pulled his E0 last. He proved he can beat the house in the end, sauntering in for his E1 with one 10-pull left in the stash.

Showcase build, in-battle stat chart, and 24k ult screenie are from the main account; f2p gang is still working on finishing up their Gambler-kun’s traces and whatnot. Oh, and that SU run? This is how he did before the wishing-fest:


Holy crap, I can finally auto-battle this stupid boss on the main account (and the f2p challenge gang can borrow Aventurine too while their own is building, wheee!). Gambler-kun broke this buzzy noise wide open, using the build I posted earlier; his meta defense build would be fine too. Ultimate crit pictured is his best so far (as I compose this and watch him in support mode on f2p he just did 51k lmao), he mostly got about 28k and the big hit was while bug-butt was debuffed pretty hard. Aventurine’s follow-up damage shown is about average for this build; it really is inconsistent in general and I’ve seen it do less than that on a full screen of enemies, and more than that on one or two enemies.

Consumable item buffs are physical damage bonus (Enhancement Paste: Physical) and effect resistance (Jade Marrow Diffusion). Depending on their individual builds, each character’s effect resistance is either close to or past 100% with Aventurine’s shield plus that consumable. I used Aventurine’s technique before the battle as well. Hanya buffs Clara so Aventurine’s damage is all his own.

Oh, and I forgot to item-buff the f2p gang before one run and they still did okay. Omnomnom, Gold-mon go bom.


The Fallout 4 graphics update is so impressive that I’m trippin’ balls!

Actually, that might be Hancock’s fault, butanyways. This is the Hub 360 apartment and uh, I think some textures are missing. As for other CC, the modern furniture pack wants an update but immediately crashes out to main menu as soon as it tries… that’s a problem a lot of people have, according to a quick google.

“It just works.”


What are you eating there, bud? Wait, no… I don’t want to know.

We’ll ignore that Riddick has mutt chops, crispy squirrel bits, and iguana-on-a-stick in his inventory waiting to magically heal bullet wounds. Deeelicious!

It’s amazing we finally got a patch with bug fixes that have been needed for so long they’ve become memes. VATS seems to be dropping for no reason a lot more now, though… I wonder if they actually fixed the VATS crash, I didn’t see mention of it in the patch notes but also haven’t tanked my system with it since Fallout 4 got updated.